Friday, August 1, 2008

Eating Habits

It may be common everywhere. But its worth to capture what Diya does when it comes to food.


Horlicks:  Horlicks is her favorite drink these days. She craves for Horlicks atleast 3 times every night. Sleep-starved Sudha expressed her frustration to her “How many times would you drink like this?”. DIya gave her traditional reply in sleep “Naalu (4)”


Egg  I wanted to introduce eggs (Suguna brand) in her meals. But Diya is yet to catch up with it.


Soya Milk  I am very fond of soya milk for its taste and protein richness. People at home did not have much liking. So, I tried my hand with Diya. Diya too did not have much inclination. But thanks to my dad, he has a strategy to make Diya eat / drink anything. He will pick the bigheaded pink baby and make Diya envy about it. Then every piece will go in automatically. That way, I could make her have 5 sip of Soya milk.


Noodles is her favorite


Curd rice is her another favorite; that too from my plate. If she is in mood, she will take as much as she can.


For any other food, she will point to one of us to feed her. Once we start, she will point to someone else and the game goes on.


If I feed her, say chappathi and chutney, I need to sing a song “Dip Dip Dip, one-a-penny, two-a-penny, dip-dip-dip”. As I do this, I need to dip the chappathi in chutney, and before I complete the line, I would push the piece in her mouth.




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